Our main commitment is to provide a high-quality educational service through continuous improvement and research, in order to meet the requirements of our students, guaranteeing the achievement of their academic goals in compliance with our mission, based on current legal requirements. We are supported by a competent and continuously improving work team, which makes efficient and effective use of resources.


We foster the socioeconomic and cultural progress of Colombia and Latin America through the improvement of second language instruction, adapted to the highest academic, professional, and cultural standards, highlighting our continuous improvement, relevant role in the community in terms of equity, productivity, and competitiveness, and our model based on principles and values.

We will be a nationally and internationally recognized educational institution, known for its high academic, professional, and cultural quality, characterized by its continuous improvement, studying the most effective learning methods of the present, with an effective methodology, a modern, innovative and technological infrastructure, meeting the objectives of the national bilingualism program proposed by the state.



If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business proposal, or are interested in making a purchase, we'd love to hear from you.